Sunday, April 5, 2020

Create Tremendous Powerpoint Presentation Design


Hi! I am a designer who specializes in presentation design.

I build CLEAN, MODERN and EFFECTIVE presentations based on synthesizing three pillars - DESIGN, STORYTELLING, and COPYWRITING.

I have added value to numerous Investor Pitch decks, Corporate decks, Media decks, Training decks, Portfolio decks among other PowerPoint presentations.

My ultimate goal is to deliver you a kind of presentation that can take YOUR message and visually convey it in a very tempting way that engages and make your audience ready for action. I have following a set of skills for presentations


   ★  I will create a custom design based on your branding.
   ★  High-quality images display.
   ★  Typography, layouts, and colour therapy.
   ★  Optimizing an existing presentation.
   ★  Add transitions and animations (Free).

Interested in how we could work together - send me a message! I would love to hear your business design needs and look forward to creating together.



: : : : :

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